Want an easy and enjoyable nature study read? This is it! Short, funny, and really easy to understand. You too can begin fact-checking board books that mix up bumblebees and honeybees!
The author dreamed of raising backyard chickens. And then when she finally bought a house, the city outlawed them. Plan B: bees. Sort of by accident. (I loved this story, btw.)
Like the best living books, this is one written by a non-expert who became an expert because she loves her subject. And loves sharing what she learned with other people. I discovered this quite by accident when I discovered the animal book shelf at the library (call number 595), and I’m so glad! Let’s be honest, it was short and had an eye-catching cover.
I highly recommend Plan Bee: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Hardest-Working Creatures on the Planet as a quick-enough-to-read-on-Shabbat read!
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