Obviously, I’m not “officially” homeschooling yet. But I’m already collecting information that I may not use for years, just by attending meetings or conferences or stumbling on it online.
I have a couple of methods for organizing this information that I may not need for years.
1) For physical papers, I have an actual filing box with hanging folders. I had one laying around my house, left over from when I was caring for my mother. My own filing cabinet (I have a two drawer one) couldn’t hold her things, and I needed to be able to bring it back and forth to TN. This box served that purpose well. Then after she died, I was afraid to throw anything away because what if the IRS decided to audit her or something?? So it sat for a few years. I finally emptied it out (it had been about 5 years), and I made some new files. Here it is today:

Primarily, I set it up to hold my artist study prints. I wanted to start doing artist study myself (and the kids can see it too, obviously, but it’s for me at this age). I printed out a sample of artists I thought would be more little kid-friendly, nothing too abstract. I sent them to Staples through their website and printed on cardstock. They mailed it right to my door. Introvert with two 2-and-under win! The star on a file folder means the artist set is complete, at least 6 pictures. A few are incomplete and that seemed like the easiest way to differentiate. Keep it simple, right? I also have notes from the CM conference I went to, plus various Jewish educational materials I inherited from other Jewish teachers while building my library. One folder per general topic, throw it in, and I’ll go back when I need something!
2) There’s also a file folder on my laptop. There’s not a whole lot there, mostly just curriculum samples I’ve come across and a few things I’ve bought from A Delectable Education and the digital collection of the artist studies I found for free.
3) Lastly is Evernote. That’s mostly pictures from books I read. I take the picture, write the name of the book and author, and title the note. That’s it.
4) I think there may be a few things in Google Drive, but only because I’ve saved a Google document someone else shared with me. I’ve started a few planning documents in there, but they never went anywhere, since you know, I’m not actually planning a school year yet. But boy did I try a few times when I was feeling antsy!
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