Today I’d already had three major temper tantrums. I was tired, I was cold, and I just wanted to listen to podcasts in peace (so I can learn about being a good mom and homeschooler instead of actually doing it) while my toddler played in the yard. But I listened to CM, knew what I “ought” to do, sucked it up, and pulled out the grass encroaching in the garden I’ve been ignoring… and it turned into an impromptu introduction to roots and how plants eat.
Did she “get” it? At just over 2 years old, probably not. But now she knows the word roots, might recognize them again in the future, might recognize them on a different plant. Maybe she made a warm and fuzzy connection to the idea of nature and plants and gardens. Maybe she just enjoyed playing in dirt with her Ima. These are all great goals for a toddler.
Trust the process. It works even when I’m not in a good place. Just get outside. Just take a little step and look for something positive to do. Even if it’s three steps back and one step forward, that’s ok. End the day moving in the right direction and on a good note, if at all possible.
Parenting #ProTip I learned from a baby book at some point: the outdoors is like a “reset” button for a crying child. Whenever there’s a tantrum or inconsolable crying, we step out on the back porch, and within a few minutes, they usually stop. They might start up again when we come back inside, but usually not. Usually we’ve changed the tenor of the moment and can start fresh. I always forget this tip when I’m at the end of my rope, but with enough “practice,” I’m beginning to remember. Two kids under two gives me a lot of practice.
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